UKOUG 2010 presentation "Internals of Concurrent Managers"
First of all, thanks to those who attended my presentation at UKOUG Conference Series Technology & E-Business Suite 2010, was nice to talk for such an interested audience.
As I promised, here is the presentation - Internals Of Concurrent Managers. The post will be updated later with more details, but if you have any additional questions you can meet me at the “Meet the Speakers” events at UKOUG2010 or just leave a comment here.
And here’s the query from the slide 13:
--Reporting the concurrent program schedules
--Test before using in production
--Maris Elsins,
select r.request_id,
p.user_concurrent_program_name || case
when p.user_concurrent_program_name = 'Report Set' then
(select ' - ' || s.user_request_set_name
from fnd_request_sets_tl s
where s.application_id = r.argument1
and s.request_set_id = r.argument2
and language = 'US')
when p.user_concurrent_program_name = 'Check Periodic Alert' then
(select ' - ' || a.alert_name
from alr_alerts a
where a.application_id = r.argument1
and a.alert_id = r.argument2)
end concurrent_program_name,
when p.user_concurrent_program_name != 'Report Set' and
p.user_concurrent_program_name != 'Check Periodic Alert' then
end argument_text,
r.requested_start_date next_run,
r.hold_flag on_hold,
'P','Periodic','S','On Specific Days','X','Advanced',c.class_type) schedule_type,
when c.class_type = 'P' then
'Repeat every ' ||
substr(c.class_info, 1, instr(c.class_info, ':') - 1) ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, instr(c.class_info, ':', 1, 1) + 1, 1),
'N',' minutes','M',' months','H',' hours','D',' days') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, instr(c.class_info, ':', 1, 2) + 1, 1),
'S',' from the start of the prior run','C',' from the completion of the prior run')
when c.class_type = 'S' then
nvl2(dates.dates, 'Dates: ' || dates.dates || '. ', null) ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 32, 1), '1', 'Last day of month ') ||
decode(sign(to_number(substr(c.class_info, 33))),
'Days of week: ' ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 33, 1), '1', 'Su ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 34, 1), '1', 'Mo ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 35, 1), '1', 'Tu ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 36, 1), '1', 'We ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 37, 1), '1', 'Th ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 38, 1), '1', 'Fr ') ||
decode(substr(c.class_info, 39, 1), '1', 'Sa '))
end schedule,
c.date1 start_date,
c.date2 end_date,
from fnd_concurrent_requests r,
fnd_conc_release_classes c,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl p,
fnd_responsibility_tl rs,
(SELECT release_class_id,
substr(max(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(s, ' ')), 2) dates
FROM (select release_class_id,
rank() over(partition by release_class_id order by s) a,
from (with rcs as (select c.class_info, c.release_class_id
from fnd_conc_release_classes c
where c.class_type = 'S'
and c.release_class_id in
(select rr.release_class_id
from fnd_concurrent_requests rr
where rr.phase_code = 'P'
and rr.hold_flag = 'N'))
select rcs.class_info,
l,rcs.release_class_id,decode(substr(rcs.class_info, l, 1),'1',to_char(l)) s
from rcs,(select level l from dual connect by level <= 31) s)
where s is not null
(a || release_class_id) = (a - 1) || release_class_id
group by release_class_id) dates
where r.phase_code = 'P'
and hold_flag = 'N'
and c.application_id = r.release_class_app_id
and c.release_class_id = r.release_class_id
and nvl(c.date2, sysdate + 1) > sysdate
and c.class_type is not null
and p.concurrent_program_id = r.concurrent_program_id
and p.application_id = r.program_application_id
and p.language = 'US'
and dates.release_class_id(+) = r.release_class_id
and rs.responsibility_id=r.responsibility_id
and rs.application_id=r.responsibility_application_id
and rs.language = 'US'
order by 3,2,4;