A while ago I worked on a performance troubleshooting case where frequent short time degradation of IO performance on NetApp storage was suspected to be the root cause. The problem was to get some proof as looking at the averages of IO service time was not alarming enough. I decided to write a tool that could be used to monitor wait times for any DB wait event in short intervals, e.g. so I could get measures for db file sequential/scattered read performance each second

This is what I thought it needed to be capable of:

  • It should be lightweight and easy to set up;
  • the results have to be visible real-time;
  • it should be possible to spool results to file;
  • it should allow monitoring any wait event;
  • it should allow to define interval length between measurement points.

In the end I came up with the solution - a pipelined function, with interval size and name of wait event as parameters, that “queries” the performance metrics using a simple select statement, making it possible to spool the results into a file and seeing results real-time. You can take a look at it in the video below. Continue reading if you’re interested in seeing the source code and reading some explanations on key implementation tricks that made this possible.

OK, here are some details on how the tool is written:

  • It’s a pipelined function that returns SYSTEM.PA_VARCHAR2_240_TBL_TYPE type result, I chose this type as it was available on 10g and 11g and this way I didn’t need to create my own data types. Function is pipelined therefore it allows constructing a SELECT statement to return data from function that passes the results via PIPE ROW statement. Choosing this construction allows to use query syntax to get the results, note setting arraysize to 1 is really important to see the real-time results, SQL*Plus is fetching rows in arraysize sets and not displaying them until the whole set is received.
  • (Updated on 5-Apr-2013): Looks like SYSTEM.PA_VARCHAR2_240_TBL_TYPE was not a good type to use as it’s specific to e-Business Suite database. Iče adjusted the code below to create the required types just to get the tool running for now. I’ll also revise the blog post in near future to validate it. I just tested the new version on by creating all objects as SYS and it worked nicely.

    SQL> set lines 2000 pages 0 trimspool on arraysize 1
    SQL> select * from table(cast(xx_perf_watcher.monitor_waits('db file sequential read',2) as system.PA_VARCHAR2_240_TBL_TYPE));
    | WAITEVENT               | TIMESTAMP              | WAITS      | TIME US      | MS/EVENT |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:34.13 |   95030085 | 412378973106 |     4.34 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:34.32 |         21 |        82193 |     3.91 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:34.49 |         28 |        50584 |     1.81 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:34.67 |         13 |        35691 |     2.75 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:34.88 |         34 |        63947 |     1.88 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:35.06 |          6 |        21738 |     3.62 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:35.24 |          9 |         7127 |      .79 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:35.42 |          8 |        19406 |     2.43 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:35.59 |          2 |         1653 |      .83 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:35.77 |         47 |       120500 |     2.56 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:35.96 |         43 |       127720 |     2.97 |
    | db file sequential read | 16.06.2011 11:27:36.15 |         45 |       109652 |     2.44 |
  • function XX_PERF_WATCHER.MONITOR_WAITS requires 3 arguments:
    • name of the wait event to be monitored, e.g. “db file sequential read”
    • length of the interval in seconds, e.g. “2” (you can use 0 for “as quick as you can” sampling, fractional numbers are also OK, e.g. 0.5)
    • optional number of iterations to perform, default is 100000000
  • The way of getting the results inside the package is based on the very cool idea by Tanel Poder, that he uses in his publicly available scripts and tools library e.g. in latchprofx.sql, where very quick sampling of X$ table is done by enforced NESTED LOOP join operation
    • In this case I’m sampling X$KSLEI to get the performance measures
    • I’ve also created a function XX_PERF_WATCHER.SLEEP on top of DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP, so that it could be included in the same NESTED LOOP sampling technique to set the required sampling interval.
  • The package works on 10g and 11g (I’ve tested it on,,, and, but as the definition of X$KSLEI differs on 10g and 11g, I had to use compiler directives $IF, $ELSIF, $ELSE, $END to separate 10g code from 11g code.
  • As the function samples X$ table, I installed the package using SYS, unfortunately I didn’t manage to figure out how to get similar functionality without need of creating any DB objects, so if any of you know some ways, please let me know!

And finally here is the full code of the pl/sql package (click on the “show source” link), just remember, try it out in the test environment if you decide to give it a go!

create or replace type xx_o_wait_perf as object
  event             varchar2(64),
  tstamp            varchar2(22), --to_char(systimestamp,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF2')
  waits             number,
  time_waited_micro number,
  avg_wait_time_ms      number
create or replace type xx_t_wait_perf as table of xx_o_wait_perf;

create or replace package xx_perf_watcher authid current_user is

  function sleep(p_sec number) return number;
  function monitor_waits(p_event   in varchar2,
                         p_int_sec number,
                         p_iter    number default 100000000)
    return xx_t_wait_perf

end xx_perf_watcher;

create or replace package body xx_perf_watcher is

  function sleep(p_sec number) return number is
    return 1;

  function monitor_waits(p_event   in varchar2,
                         p_int_sec number,
                         p_iter    number default 100000000)
    return xx_t_wait_perf
    pipelined as
    last_w    xx_o_wait_perf := xx_o_wait_perf(p_event,
                                                 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF2'),
    current_w xx_o_wait_perf := xx_o_wait_perf(p_event,
                                                 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF2'),
    report_w  xx_o_wait_perf := xx_o_wait_perf(p_event,
                                                 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF2'),

    --    type rc is ref cursor;
    --    c1                  rc;
    cursor c1 is
       b.dummy, b.event, b.total_waits, b.time_waited_micro
        from (select /*+ NO_MERGE */
                from dual
              connect by level <= p_iter) a,
             (select xx_perf_watcher.sleep(p_int_sec) dummy,
                     KSLEDNAM event,
                     s.ksleswts total_waits,
                     s.kslestim time_waited_micro
                from SYS.X$KSLEI S, SYS.X$KSLED D
               where S.KSLESWTS > 0
                 and D.KSLEDNAM = p_event
                 AND D.INST_ID = USERENV('INSTANCE')
                 AND S.INDX = D.INDX) b;
    cursor c1 is
       b.dummy, b.event, b.total_waits, b.time_waited_micro
        from (select /*+ NO_MERGE */
                from dual
              connect by level <= p_iter) a,
             (select xx_perf_watcher.sleep(p_int_sec) dummy,
                     KSLEDNAM event,
                     s.ksleswts_un + s.ksleswts_fg + s.ksleswts_bg total_waits,
                     s.kslestim_un + s.kslestim_fg + s.kslestim_bg time_waited_micro
                from SYS.X$KSLEI S, SYS.X$KSLED D
               where (S.KSLESWTS_FG > 0 OR S.KSLESWTS_BG > 0 OR
                     S.KSLESWTS_UN > 0)
                 and D.KSLEDNAM = p_event
                 AND D.INST_ID = USERENV('INSTANCE')
                 AND S.INDX = D.INDX) b;

    v_dummy             number;
    v_event             varchar2(64);
    v_tstamp            varchar2(22);
    v_total_waits       number;
    v_time_waited_micro number;
    stm11g              varchar2(4000);
    stm10g              varchar2(4000);
    stm                 varchar2(4000);
    v_db_vers           number;
    raise_application_error(-20001, 'DB version not supported');
    raise_application_error(-20001, 'DB version not supported');

    OPEN c1;
      FETCH c1
        INTO v_dummy, v_event, v_total_waits, v_time_waited_micro;
      current_w.event             := v_event;
      current_w.tstamp            := to_char(systimestamp,
                                             'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF2');
      current_w.waits             := v_total_waits;
      current_w.time_waited_micro := v_time_waited_micro;
      if v_total_waits = last_w.waits then
        current_w.avg_wait_time_ms := null;
        current_w.avg_wait_time_ms := round((v_time_waited_micro -
                                            last_w.time_waited_micro) /
                                            (v_total_waits - last_w.waits) / 1000,
                                            2); --ms
      end if;
      report_w                   := current_w;
      report_w.waits             := current_w.waits - last_w.waits;
      report_w.time_waited_micro := current_w.time_waited_micro -
      pipe row(report_w);
      last_w := current_w;
    CLOSE c1;
end xx_perf_watcher;

create public synonym perf_watcher for sys.xx_perf_watcher;

P.S. use syntax like this after you install the package to get it running:

SQL> column event format a30
SQL> set lines 2000 pages 50000 trimspool on arraysize 1
SQL> select * from table(cast(xx_perf_watcher.monitor_waits('db file sequential read',1,2000) as xx_t_wait_perf));
SQL> select * from table(cast(xx_perf_watcher.monitor_waits('db file scattered read',1,2000) as xx_t_wait_perf));
SQL> select * from table(cast(xx_perf_watcher.monitor_waits('rdbms ipc message',1,2000) as xx_t_wait_perf));